Dog and Puppy Training in Milwaukie and the Hillsboro Area

Welcome to the next step in dog ownership; building a better bond with your four legged family member. Training can seem intimidating at first, but attending a class taught by a professional dog trainer with experience and certifications is the right place to get started!

For more than 30 years, Auntie Sally’s passion has been helping individuals and families get great training for their puppies, doggie teenagers, and adult dogs. Classes emphasize practical, everyday uses for the good behaviors dogs will learn. Through a combination of training and management, you can have the wonderful companion you want your dog to be. My training techniques are modern, positive-reinforcement based, effective, fun, and safe for you and your dog.

Classes are $170 for a six week session, with a discount available for senior humans or shelter dogs.

Sally teaches on Saturdays at Creature Comforts Pet Center in Milwaukie OR, and on Sundays at Trainers to the Rescue near Hillsboro.

Train Happy!

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Association of Professional Dog Trainers Logo
Certified Professional Dog Trainer Logo